Step 1: Unzip The child theme package.


Step 2: Go to Appearance/ Themes and select the “New” button then the “Upload” Button to upload the compressed child theme folder that is inside of your child theme package.


Step 3: Install & Activate. Save

Step 4: Install & Activate Plugins – You will find the message to install required plugins at the top of your screen.



Step 5: Install Content – Go to Divi/ Import Demo Data and click the “Import” button.



Step 6: Import Bloom OptinForms & Slide In

Go to the “Bloom” link from the dashboard.  Click the import/export icon.



Click the Import button.  Select the Bloom settings file from your import folder in the child theme package.



The optins will be in the inactive status.  To use them, connect ther newsletter api key and list name.  After setting up the api key and list name, click the active/inactive checkmark to make them active.   Save
Installation Completed.

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